ProdHealth: Empowering Better Health Through Plant-Based Nutrition
The Modern Health Nerd Podcast, Episode #37
Update Feb 2022: ProdHealth is now Terra Health Coaching!
What if it were possible for everyone to start leveraging the power of plant-based eating in an accessible and practical way?
John Dieser is making it possible through his work with the ProdHealth app.
There's a lot to unpack on this topic, and we only just scratch the surface as we explore:
- The mind-blowing research on plant-based nutrition that changed the course of John's career
- Whether plant-based alternative proteins and oils have a place in a healthy diet
- Why accountability and goal setting are important moving more people toward plant-based diets
- The cost burden that chronic disease care places on employers
- How the ProdHealth app helps people eat better, move more and understand how diet affects their overall health
- Why ProdHealth includes a stool journal (It's integral to health!)
- How small diet and lifestyle changes can lead to big improvements in health
- The connection between improving health through food and improving the environment
About John & ProdHealth

John emerged into the digital health space from a career in healthcare investments. He now hopes to replace many of the drugs he once invested in with a more effective approach: lifestyle medicine and plant-forward nutrition.
Thanks to the full-stack ProdHealth app, which securely connects users to health coaches and dieticians, doctor's orders can travel home with patients in the company of essential support and education.
John encourages plant curious individuals, employers, and exhausted medical professionals to reach out and partner to take health home.
Connect with ProdHealth!
- Email: john (at) prodhealth (dot) com
- Instagram: @prod_health
- Facebook: ProdHealth
- LinkedIn: ProdHealth, John Dieser
- App: iOS, Android
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