Welcome to Modern Health Nerd!

Hi! 👋🏻 I'm Theresa "Sam" Houghton.

As Chief Nerd of The Modern Health Nerd from 2020 to 2023, I produced a collection of content about plant-based diets, the alternative protein industry, and consumer behavior.

I've since moved on to focus solely on freelance writing and no longer update this site. But I'm making the content available for anyone who'd like to browse, read, or listen.

Not sure where to start? Scroll down for a few recommendations. 👇🏻

Theresa Sam Houghton health and wellness writer

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Content and Copywriting

Blog posts, thought leadership, web copy, email newsletters, and marketing materials for B2B and B2C companies
100% human written. No AI, ever. 🙅🏻

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Freelance Writing

Featured in Epoch Times, Modern Farmer, Broadsound Magazine, The Upside, and Business Insider

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Sam. Writes.

Randomly updated Substack publication featuring personal essays, short stories, and Christian commentary

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Understand Your Customers, Increase Engagement (and Sales)

How is customer discovery different from analytics?

Analytics show how your customers shop—not why they buy. Customer discovery reveals more about what your customers are thinking, which makes it easier target messaging on your site, in ads and in content.

Isn't keyword research enough to target my audience?

Keywords help your website and content rank higher in search results but don't always reflect the language your customers use. To find this out, you need to find out how they talk among themselves.

Customer discovery digs into relevant online communities to clarify which questions, struggles and concerns to address and the right words to use to make your site copy, product descriptions and content resonate with your audience.

I'm doing SEO work. Do I need customer discovery, too?

That depends! If you're already ranking well, getting a lot of traffic and making a steady stream of sales, you're probably good to go. But if your traffic isn't converting and your social media audience is full of crickets, your messaging might need work. Customer discovery can help there!

Why should I write long-form content?
I'm already doing social media.

Written content gives you an almost endless source of ideas for your social media feeds. You can repurpose each written piece into dozens of posts, carousels, stories and videos to share across platforms for months. No more wondering what to post every day or scrambling to fill your content calendar at the last minute!

Does writing long-form content really increase sales?

This is a bit tricky to answer. Longer content is usually more in-depth, which gives your customers a better grasp of a subject. You can use this to your advantage to clear up confusion about your products' ingredients or functions—which removes barriers to purchase. And long-form blog posts do tend to rank better on Google over time.

Other factors like site speed, page layout and user experience can affect conversions, so it's important to work on these in addition to content.

How does all this save me money and time?

Knowing your customers means you don't have to waste time guessing the right words to use or channels to target. You can base ad creative, site copy, blogs and social media posts on concrete information about who you're selling to—and focus campaign spending on the best audience for your products.

Long-form content is a bit of a paradox: It's slower to rank but can remain highly visible in search results for years. The content you create today has long-term potential to build brand awareness and drive sales. And since you can keep refreshing and repurposing it, you can spend less time (and money) coming up with new content ideas and focus on other areas of business growth instead.

Understand your "why”

When you're clear on why your company exists, it's easier to find the people who vibe with your mission.

Make better personas

Going where your customers actually hang out means no more time (or money) wasted on trying to target theoretical, bland avatars.

Do content right

Use what you learn to create content that gets engagement, builds trust and drives sales on every platform.

Start a movement

Go beyond content to build communities that support your brand and have the power to become a movement that makes a positive impact on the world.

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